AACC Employee Accomplishments

John Englehart
12 min readFeb 25, 2021

A famous person once said that learning how to work productively and meet the needs of our students during a pandemic is like “building the plane while it is already in the air.” It was a team effort over the past year from all employees from every department to make our college continue to be a great place to learn and work. You made this happen while adhering to AACC’s values of community and relationships, opportunity, positivity, innovation and creativity, and equity and inclusion. As a way to show our appreciation for all you have done, we have compiled a list of the great contributions and accomplishments from different areas of the college. So take a minute and read this list, pat yourself on the back and accept our appreciation for all you have done to make this “plane” fly.

Public Safety

· Answered approximately 500 calls of service per month, greatly increased since the pandemic

· Many officer have received awards this year: Sgt. Janene Kerpelman, Police Officer First Class Harvey Baublitz, Communications Officer 2 Jason Lutman.

Attendance Award: Sgt. Darrell Wallace

Distinguished Service Award: Cpl. Keith Cochran

Community Service Award: Cpl. Keith Cochran, Officer Christine Hunter

Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce Award: Officer First Class Dung Do

League of Innovation Award: Officer First Class Dung Do


· The AACC Bookstore performed 1,018 curbside deliveries for the 2020 fall term and 831 curbside deliveries for the 2021 spring term.

· The AACC Bookstore processed and delivered 4,572 orders during the fall rush period and 3,410 orders during the spring rush period.

· Direct Digital Access saved our student $261,000 on course materials in the fall 2020 term alone.

Document Services

· 2,853,604 copies printed

· 46,005 new pages scanned into the college archives

· 33,529 pieces of incoming mail processed

· 192,584 pieces of outgoing mail processed

· 159,318 bulk mail pieces processed

· 7,571 incoming parcels processed and delivered

· 4,123 outgoing parcels shipped including more than 1,300 to needy students for the AACC Food Pantry

Health Sciences

· Worked with students throughout the pandemic to make sure that they stayed on track and were able to complete their program and/or progress on time!

· Learned to teach some labs remotely that had never been taught that way before

· School of Health Sciences’ Instructional, Lab and Simulation Services Department have successfully scheduled and supported 50 to 80 lab/clinical classes per week during the pandemic

· In March 2020, the Health Sciences’ lab staff gathered the college’s personal protective equipment (PPE) from multiple locations, organized it and donated it to our community partners: Anne Arundel Medical Center, UMD Baltimore Washington Hospital Center and Anne Arundel County Fire Department.

· In April and May, they spent many hours and sleepless nights working to secure the PPE needed for our faculty, staff and students to ensure their safety.

· In May they ordered and assembled supply bags for our physician assistant and nursing students and faculty to support remote instruction.

· Once the college approved the return to campus of our health sciences students, the lab and simulation staff quickly went to work developing creative ways to utilize classrooms as labs and labs as clinical sites. All the while these individuals have also been researching and securing quotes for all of the new equipment needed for the new Health and Life Sciences Building (HLSB).

· Hours have been spent manually entering instructional lab time into 25Live to ensure the college has an accurate picture of who is on campus and when

· The instructional coordinators have read and edited numerous accreditation reports that were required to explain how instruction was being handled during the pandemic, and they have been instrumental in keeping the school’s instructional operations moving forward by supporting faculty and staff every day.

· Scheduling students in very small groups to return to campus for required hands-on skills beginning summer ’20 and continuing now.

· The lab staff have worked nonstop to provide the necessary equipment/supplies for the labs at the same time, ordering all of the new equipment for HLSB in preparation for our move.

· The Registered Nursing program is No.1 in Maryland!

· Completing comprehensive lab and clinical fee analysis for all programs (considering the new building as well as what has changed in how we teach)

· Developing new programs — Histotechnician and Dental Hygiene, Healthcare Certificate

· Nursing expansion — AACC increased capacity from 80 to 104 students biannually, and plans to move to 160 biannually by spring 2022.

· Developing transfer agreements with Maryland community colleges in multiple health science areas

· Searching and hiring (nursing assistant dean, nursing faculty, medical lab faculty, admissions coordinator, simulation technician and instructional specialist)

· Enhancing diversity, equity inclusion and antiracism focus — professional development opportunities in departments and the school, and a focus on recruitment and retention of faculty/staff of color

Counseling Services

· Created four new workshops addressing the pandemic

· Presented 71 workshops across campus and within the community

· Had 1,208 students, faculty and staff attend workshops

· Had 1,751 consultations and one-on-one appointments with students, faculty and staff

Student Information Services

· Number of online chats answered: 24,258 (with the number of offline emails the total is 28,857). Compared to 2019: 16,215 online chats/20,152 total with offline emails

· Number of calls received: 65,594. This year the call range is a bit different than usual as the typical call-lines were turned off from March when we returned until June.

· Deployed the ACD calls from home in June, but during March-June we were returning voicemails instead of receiving real-time calls. March-June we returned approximately 6,000 voicemails alone. In 2019 we received 97,215 calls.

School of Science, Technology and Education

· Increased fall to spring continuation from 52% to 73%

· Worked on five new certificate/degree programs through Perkins support

· Initiate 3+2 articulation with University of Maryland Global Campus

EMS Education

· The EMT program had a 96% first time pass rate on their national registry exam (first full class with the new format) and it is a 10 credit class! Maryland’s first time pass rate for 2020 is 67%!

· The Paramedic program had a 95% first time pass rate on their national registry exam (both of these cohorts were directly impacted by the Covid-19 switch in curriculum). Maryland’s first time pass rate for 2020 is 75%!

Instructional Design — Learning Advancement and the Virtual Campus

· Instructional designers in the Virtual Campus worked with 150 faculty members to design and support online courses. As of Feb. 8, 2021, 128 courses have been converted to 100% online using a Canvas template to meet online course quality standards.

· Currently, there are an additional 34 courses in the course design process.

· Virtual Campus recorded and edited more than 200 videos comprising over 45 hours of training for HCAT’s use in their Canvas courses.

· Massive influx of video tutorials called for some in-house assistance to provide closed captioning for all the training videos. Enter Human Resources, Talent Share Program and a group of talented staff to transcribe and create the ADA-compliant closed captions.

Sarbanes Center

·107 students participated in internships

· 51 students provided nearly 600 hours of service in applied learning experiences to area nonprofits

The Virtual Campus

· Assisted with migrating 1,250 face-to-face classes online in spring 2020.

· Supported faculty use of two new communication platforms, Zoom and Teams

· Dismantled several computer labs for students to check out the laptops

· Updated numerous computers each term with course specific software for library checkout

· Increased frequency of Focus on Facilitation training for instructors new to teaching online; more than 300 have enrolled since last spring.

· Designed training for faculty at multiple levels of online teaching readiness; 350 faculty participated

· Filmed and edited cooking videos so HCAT could continue courses online.

· Provided closed captioning for student and faculty

· Created videos incorporated into online courses

· Provided faculty with numerous resources for teaching remotely in the Faculty Resources Community within Canvas

· Created easy access within Canvas for Honorlock proctoring software, a new student opinion form, and Teams and Zoom

· Partnered with faculty to design over 125 online courses to meet Q-CAR standards to ensure accessibility, alignment and engagement

· With the assistance of eLearner Success, created Online Synchronous Best Practices

· With the assistance of CoTL, created Virtual Office Hours best practices

The School of Health Sciences’ admissions office started developing the first online health sciences application in February 2020 just prior to COVID-19 shutdown. Employees continued to work on it 20 hours a week for months, with the guidance of Ellucian consultants, and successfully admitted the first class using the online application in spring 2021.

· The Health Sciences’ admissions office turned all program information sessions in to virtual sessions. Between May 2020, when we changed them to be virtual, through December 2020, we had 895 attendees.

· The APICS class was only offered face to face prior to COVID-19 and had low enrollments. Converting it to online has boosted enrollment which equals revenue at a time when revenue is desperately needed!

· A video created to guide students through the ed2go registration is complete and available on the website and in all correspondence, and was given to ISC to distribute. It is working very well and ISC has mentioned that it has been helpful to them in dealing with students who have a difficult time registering. I believe it is saving a lot of phone time for all of us.

· One course, APICS, transitioned to completely online. Coming out of the classroom has enabled us to increase the class size by at least 10 in a high revenue, high FTE class.

· Transitioning to e-books for the APICS class is saving us about $85 per person and increasing the class size to 24 from a max of 16 students due to classroom size limitations.

· Ed2go courses realized a 26.35% increase in enrollment over 2019.

Management Advisory

· Since the start of the pandemic, Management Advisory Services has converted 120 college forms to be PDF fillable.

Purchasing and Contracting

· There were 2,438 Unimarket purchase orders issued for this period, totaling $26,403,956.

· There were 6,251 procurement card transactions for this period

Accounts Receivable/Cashier’s Office

· 9,369 payments posted manually

· 8,311 calls were answered by the cashier’s office

4,471 voicemail callbacks were made by the cashier’s office

· 26,290 student and CARES Act vouchers were processed

· 12,687 rebilled student accounts for reduction and suspension of lab fees (spring, summer and fall 2020)

· 953 section lab fee billing adjustments (spring, summer and fall 2020)

· 130 course level lab fee billing adjustments (winter and spring 2021)

· 4,054 waivers applied to student accounts

· 19,991 1098-T’s processed

·1,329 Tuition assistance forms applied to student accounts


· Processed over 10,000 vouchers for payment

· Processed 24 payrolls for an average of over 1,500 employees each pay

· Completed and reconciled over 2,500 W2s for employees

Human Resources

· Working with Strategic Communications, mailed each college employee a letter to check in, acknowledge, and thank them with specific EAP and coaching resources for working from home.

· Provided three different types of “Check in and Chat” weekly HR office hours for HR-related questions since March 2020.

· Recruited and onboarded 111 new hires, including 30 custodians bringing all custodial services in-house

· Processed 579 background checks

· Started the Talent Share program to assist departments in need with additional tasks with limited personnel.

· Sent and posted weekly newsletters to update employees on all important changes and updates.

· Updated forms and processes to allow for completion in a virtual environment.

· Completed over 300 employment verifications since March 2020.

· Converted the Benefits Annual Open Enrollment to be 100% virtual

LifeLong Learning

· Developed new online programming across programming areas including youth, art, music, language, history, floral, financial planning and more.

· Beginning with no online classes for senior adults, the Lifelong Learning staff developed and launched a brand new online program. So far this fiscal year, 1,195 seniors have taken courses with 14,236 enrollments. We’ve been able to serve homebound students who previously weren’t able to get out to the senior centers or to one of our locations and students who are not located in our county/state.

· Created new classes to assist the community during the pandemic (Practical Post Covid 19 Retirement Strategies; Preventing Isolation and Loneliness in Seniors; How to Manage Stress and Anxiety)

· Regular Zoom training sessions for seniors have been set up to cover a variety of topics including successful teaching in Zoom; student classes to familiarize students with Zoom; online registration; updating your student account information; accessing your classes through Canvas.

Adult Education and English Language Learning

  • After just three months of remote work, the AE/ELL department staff migrated 82 sections online from every one of our 21 courses and training programs, ensuring continuous access to instruction for English Language Learners, Adult Basic Skills students, students preparing for the GED exam.
  • Led by Instructional Specialist Lynda Hall, we were awarded the only noncredit Resiliency Award and designed, developed and implemented an online Mathematical Reasoning for GED Test Preparation Course.
  • We fully implemented a remote assessment program for any Adult Basic Skills or English Basic Skills students to enter grant-funded programs if they are unable to attend in-person orientation sessions.

Radiology Technology

· Class of 2019 100% first time pass rate

· Class of 2019 100% employed by June 2019

· A student from the Class of 2019 passed the ARRT National mammography Exam earning an additional certification in Mammography six months post graduation. She is employed with a radiology site where she completed a winter break internship in mammography during her time in the program.

Surgical Technology

  • 10 of 10 passing on the national certification exam in December.
  • Eight of the 10 are employed (ninth on the way to being hired).
  • One hired as a sales rep for surgical equipment and impressed them enough that they are covering the money he owes to his employer for tuition assistance.

Health and Wellness

Faculty who were awarded one or more Resiliency Grants through the CARES Act: Cory Doubek (HEA-100, 114),Debbie Hammond. (HEA-111, PBH 101),Wally Bixby. (HEA-100, 101), Caree Oslsilo. (HEA-111, 114, spring 113), Nicole Reed (HEA-101), Sara Meisler. (HUS-114 & 115) one summer, two fall and one spring (HUS-100) and Debbie Hammond (PBH-101). Seven faculty for a Total 11RSAs.

Faculty working on the Model Course project: Cory Doubek. (HEA 100), Wally Bixby (HEA 100), Sara Meisler. (HUS), Nicole Williams. (HUS) and Tracey Lloyd (MDA) — five faculty for four Model course work.

M.O.S.T. Initiative awarded AACC an institutional grant in the amount of $20,000. Two faculty in our area were part of the overall AACC award: Cory Doubek (HEA-100) and Wally Bixby (HEA-100).

PBH Grant: Debbie Hammond — Completed National Public Health Week Grant for 2020 from League of Innovation for Public Health Program.

MAS Scores: 100% of the Massage Therapy fall graduates who have taken licensing exam so far have passed it.

MDA Scores: For the fall MDA students that completed a virtual practicum, we had 100% pass rate for their national credentialing examination.

Wally Bixby: Edited an e-book Title: “Introduction to Exercise Science”, first edition

Faculty worked with Marcus Wright to finalize Transfer agreements: 2+2 for PBH/Towson University (Debbie Hammond), 2+2 for HFES for Exercise Science at Towson University and Kinesiology degree University of Maryland College Park (Cory Doubek), HUS A.A.S to B.A transfer agreement in Social Work at Salisbury University (Nicole Williams), HUS A.A.S Southern New Hampshire University (HUS) and B.S. in Human Services (Nicole Williams).

Committees: Nicole Williams, appointed by Dr. Lindsay as chair of the the Chief Diversity Search committee. Cory Doubek, appointed by the President to the Institutional Assessment Team representing the School of Health Sciences. Sara Meisler, appointed by the President to be AACC’s Representative on the Anne Arundel County Gun Violence Intervention Team (GVIT) and will be serving on the newly formed Opioid Intervention Team for Anne Arundel County.

Instructional Support Center

From July 16, 2020-Feb 28, 2021, the Instructional Support Center answered 6116 calls while working remotely.

Last but not least: YOU!

In summary, thank you for all the hard work each of you have done on an individual level that may not be listed above. Without each one of you, this “plane” would not have stayed in the air. The greatest accomplishment of all is the collaboration and teamwork you all have shown to serve our students and make AACC a great place to learn and work.

We appreciate you all!

-The Human Resources Team



John Englehart
John Englehart

Written by John Englehart

Human Resources Professional, Husband, Dad and occasional Cookie Monster

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